We Represent Clients In Professional Liability And Fiduciary Breach Claims
The team at Bennett Aiello Kreines LLP in Miami has significant experience in the litigation of claims that involve malpractice, misrepresentation, breach of fiduciary duty, or other errors and omissions by professionals, such as lawyers, accountants, and business consultants. We have represented both the claimants and the defendants in malpractice litigation.
A Solid Base Of Professional Representation
Our legal team represented broker dealers and agents before the NASD in arbitrations relating to securities transactions. In addition, we have defended insurance and real estate agents accused of various errors and omissions.
The lawyers of the firm are fully aware of the obstacles that claimants must overcome to successfully litigate a claim against a professional.
The lawyers of the firm are also able to handle the challenges posed to clients who have been accused of malpractice, and they are capable of terminating spurious claims of professional malpractice by summary judgment or dismissal when such procedures are available.
Corporate officers and directors owe the fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of the corporation they serve. We are quite familiar with the standards of care, loyalty, and good faith that are owed by officers, directors, managers, and agents to the corporation or other entity they serve. We also understand the legal doctrines that immunize those who owe fiduciary duties, such as, the business judgment rule. As a firm with an established employment law practice and corporate litigation, we have a broad purview of this area
Get The Qualified Legal Assistance A Professional Needs
To learn more about your legal options in a professional liability or fiduciary breach case, contact Bennett Aiello Kreines LLP at 305-358-9011. You can also reach us via our website contact form.